Archive | November, 2014

Feminism Just Got Pouty

13 Nov

Hello My Lovelies!

I like to think of myself as a reasonably peaceful person (these days…), but I do have a few pet hates… drawers left open, for example, really irritate me (you hear that husband?!), cyclists who refuse to slow down for my little sausage as he’s sniffing about criss crossing the path and not noticing them (why is it a surprise when they have to suddenly break?), and… yes, I know I’m not alone ladies, Keira Knightly.

Keira Knightley - Pout Fest!

Keira Knightley – Pout Fest!

Keira, just seems to rub me up the wrong way. I don’t think she’s a good actress, too much pouting.

Emma Watson in My Week With Marilyn

Emma Watson in My Week With Marilyn

Joining Keira on the list of “bad, annoying actresses” is Emma Watson – who nearly ruined My Week With Marilyn for me, nearly – Michelle William’s stellar performance as Marilyn Monroe won me over though! So, it has come as somewhat a surprise that both Keira and Emma have turned my head in a positive direction lately.

Emma Watson HeForShe Campaign Speech at the UN

Emma Watson HeForShe Campaign Speech at the UN

Firstly, I was very impressed with Emma for her speech at the UN, introducing the HeForShe campaign she represents. I hope she forgets acting and focusses on campaigning instead. She is super cute, I’d like to hug her.

Keira Knightly poses refusing photoshop touch up

Keira Knightly poses refusing photoshop touch up

Then, to my surprise, Keira posed topless. OK – nothing so surprising about that, except she stipulated that her image not be photoshopped – apparently in protest against the creation of false ideals for women’s bodies. That’s rather brave – my respect for old KK just rose considerably.

I hope we see more of this type of refusal to conform in the near future.

K x