Archive | September, 2011

Does it matter where it’s made?

27 Sep



There are lots of things to think about when setting up a fashion business, trust me – things that, as a customer, you don’t even consider – not consciously anyway. One of the big questions is; Where do I get my collection made? Besides actually finding a trustworthy, good quality and willing factory (not as easy as you might suspect), you also have to think about the brand image element of where you choose to produce.

Or do you?

Sure, for high end luxury goods, people like to see that it was made in Italy. Even though a lot of production in Italy is now done by low-paid Chinese imigrants…

But have you ever really chosen not to buy a fashion item due to where it was made? I always check the label out of curiosity. In H&M you can pick up 5 tops and every one was made in the different country: China, India, Turkey, Pakistan, Romania…. I have never yet found an H&M item made in England however!

Yet, on the high street, I think we expect this ecclectic mix of production – they have to find the cheapest producer right? We get that. And we accept it – because we want cheap fashion. But what about designer labels? Marc Jacobs, Rebecca Taylor, TIBI, Alice and Olivia…where are they produced…mostly China. And the mid-levels: Reiss, All Saints, Whistles…again China, India, Turkey. Did I notice when I bought these brands? Nope. So it seems quality and brand image trump production location.

At what price point do we expect our fashion to be hand made in England I wonder?

Let me know what you think!

K xx

Feather Earrings – Second Time Round?

17 Sep

I have been trying to ignore the latest trend for feather earrings. Why? Because I feel like this is so 2002 and I’m not ready to accept that a trend I wore at university has “resurfaced”  – I cannot be that old?!

Gwyneth Paltrow in Feather Earrings - Grammys 2011

I wonder how long it takes for a trend to pop back up? How long do we have to let something lie before we can bring it back to life and make it feel new?! And why do some trends re-surface, whilst others are dead in the water?
Have Doc Martins got cool again? Nope, not since the 90s…hyperglow t-shirts anyone? But maxi skirts, yes maxi skirts are having their moment again (last time I wore one, my mum had to take a lot of inches off the bottom so I didn’t trip up on the way to school!):

Maxi Skirt Trend 2011

Also – why does the 70s flare jean come and go while the skinny has stuck?! Is the skinny going to be an eduringly “noughties” garment that in 10 years time will feel like the crop-top-khaki-pants combo of the 90s?
Spice Girls – 90s Fashion Medley!
Hell – let’s get really deep: Why do we humans even need trends? Who are we? What are we doing here?!….just putting it out there… 😉
My lovely mother-in-law offered me some magazines to read during my summer holiday at her place – Vogue, Marie Claire and so on…from about 4 years ago – but I thought, what the hell – and what did I find? That things have not moved on too much in four years – if I had changed the cover you would not have known these magazines were 4 years old, really.
So, tell me, how is a trend a trend and when does it stop being trendy? Answers on a postcard please 🙂
K x


David Deutsch – My favourite TED talk

12 Sep

Every now and then I enjoy watching, and re-watching, David Deutsch’s 2007 TED talk. It’s brilliant.

David Deutsch TED talk 2007

If you are feeling stuffed from fashion feasting – open your mind to science… 🙂 I highly recommend it.

K x


Poca & Poca – cool Polish brand

8 Sep

Setting up a fashion label is no easy task – as I am discovering on a daily basis! So when I come across someone new who’s doing a damn fine job of it – I have to pay my respects!

Poca and Poca is a Polish brand that has launched here in Dubai. I came across the brand during my travels through the Dubai fashion scene – and I’m impressed by what I see.

The garments are really high quality, cute and quirky – made from solid, interesting fabrics and finished to an exacting standard. The brand is clear and consistent – and the prices are extremely reasonable. 

Keep your eyes open for Poca and Poca!

K x 


Why does Olivia Palermo look so good?

2 Sep

What is it about Olivia Palermo that is just so endearing? There is not one picture of her I do not love.

Seeing her in this TIBI shirt and trousers combo (below), I ask myself, what is it about Olivia that takes outfits other girls wear to a whole new level of cool?

Olivia Palermo in TIBI AW'11

For example. during LFW in February, Olivia rocked up to the Mathew Williamson show wearing a Top Shop maxi skirt and looked fab:
Olivia Palermo in Top Shop maxi skirt

 Chloe Green…daugter of the Top Shop empire (with, presumably, any amount of free clothes and stylists on hand), wore the same maxi skirt to LFW…but, sorry Chloe, did not look good…:

Choe Green in Top Shop maxi skirt

 Would Olivia simply look good in anything?

Perhaps she has the perfect proportions? She is, reportedly, 5’5″, which, being the average height of Western women (well, aparently it’s 5’4″, but what’s an inch between friends?) means that many labels will have been designed to fit her height. And she is, again reportedly, but looking at her I well believe it, a size zero. Which is 32″ bust, 23″ waist and 32-34″ hips. And she looks to be in proportion, and not pear shaped like many of us.

Olivia Palermo in a bikini

In fact, from this bikini picture we can see that she is quite straight up and down with a small bust but shoulders that are broad enough to balance with her hips – the proportions of a model – just shorter. Now, it’s starting to figure…

On top of that – she has a stunningly beautiful face, gorgeous glossy hair and skinny legs, which makes them look long. Glowing skin, natural straight white teeth, big deep brown eyes, pretty hands and feet, and dimples when she smiles. Yes, I am in love! ha ha 😉


Olivia Palermo up close
So, what’s the lesson of the day kids? Well, you can have all the styling in the world, but to be truly gorgeous we need to look to mother nature! Helpful?! Look for the beauty within!
K xx